Applying for Dental School: AADSAS 2015 Is Now Open!

As a pre-dental student you’ve been tirelessly working in preparation to get to grad school. Joined a pre-dental society? Keeping that GPA up? Got glowing DAT scores? Well, now it’s time to prove it! For anyone applying to dental school for the 2015 – 2016 school year, as of June 2nd the ADEA AADSAS aka the big dental school application for next fall is officially opened! The American Dental Education Association (ADEA) has a general online application called the Associated American Dental Schools Application Service (AADSAS). It is the required application when applying to any dental programs in the US with the exception of Texas schools. The three Texas schools use the Texas Dental School Application System (TMDSAS) and one application fee covers them all! That’s the TMDSAS for Texas residents only and the AADSAS for all other applicants. So really moral of the story: you should just read each program’s individual application instructions carefully! Stressing out? Hey, relax…

relax dentist joke

First thing’s first, you’ll need to create a Portal account here and have your DENTPIN ready because you’ll need it! Ugh, don’t have one of those? You need one to register to take the Dental Admissions Test aka the DAT, get it here. You do not necessarily have to have taken the DAT by now but geez do it already. If you’re stressing about the big test, well DAT Cracker will give you great practice for the real thing.

When completely the AADSAS it is $244 for first school you apply to and then $90 for each school after that, whoa. In fact, the whole application process can quickly become expensive with taking the DAT, completely the AADSAS, then individual schools secondary application fees, traveling to interviews, etc. so you want to do your research and narrow down the programs you really want to apply to. With all this expense, here’s a little secret to ease the load: Want to get 30 FREE days added onto your DAT Cracker account? Mention “DATCracker” on any forum, mention it in a blog, refer a friend, Facebook post to your pre-dental society, etc. and we will add 30 extra days to your account! Email us at so we can help you out for your upcoming Dental Admission Test. Plus we just added more DAT tests to DAT Cracker bringing it to a total of 37 DAT Practice Tests! With all the stress of applying to dental school don’t let the DAT be one of them. Ace it with DAT Cracker!

In review, get on that AADSAS application and get 30 FREE days added to your DAT Cracker account!

Prepping for the DAT!

Summer is here and it’s a great time to get your DENTPIN® and started preparing for the DAT! The Dental Admission Test has been around since 1950, is specialized for programs to assess your readiness for dental school, and it is not to be underestimated. The DAT is really like four tests on Natural Sciences, Perceptual Ability, Reading Comprehension, and Quantitative Reasoning and takes about five hours to complete. This is a monster marathon and you need to be prepared and practiced! When test day arrives, it basically comes down to which Stark you want to be: Tony Stark aka Iron Man aka the badass that walks away from the explosion without looking OR Jon Snow aka the Stark bastard from Game of Thrones aka the guy that knows nothing.

Stark Option One: Tony Stark

Stark Option One: Tony Stark

Stark Option Two: Jon Snow

Stark Option Two: Jon Snow

But first thing’s first, you’ll need to read the American Dental Association’s Guide to the DAT here and then get your DENTPIN® here. Before you can even apply to take the test you need to do both these things. The guide is a great overview of the test itself and your DENTPIN® will be your unique personal identifier in the U.S. dental education system. Do it.

Now let’s get down to business…to defeat the Huns? No. The DAT. So what do you really need to prepare for the big test? Maybe one of those giant books or some expensive software? Nah. DAT Cracker has you covered and is the smart and affordable way to prepare for the DAT! The practice tests on DAT Cracker are designed to look and feel like the real DAT and are made to match the difficulty level. There are full score reports so you can pin point your weaknesses and there are clear explanations to each question. Plus there’s support 24/7/365 to help you all along the way. Log on now to take a few practice freebie tests and see for yourself. P.S. you can unlock all the practice exams right now for $39 instead the regular $99. Do it.

The Dental Admission Test is a daunting undertaking but with the right preparation you can still enjoy summer and be ready for the DAT. So read the guide, get your DENTPIN® and log on to ASAP because when test day comes, you’re definitely going to need the confidence of Tony Stark not Jon Snow.

Lesson Learned: Be Iron Man.

Lesson Learned: Be Iron Man.